Every first is fun to watch but Christmas was especially exciting. Anderson was spoiled (and he isn't even done yet). In the picture above, his grandpa Butela is helping him hold up his new shirt. It came with a stuffed animal too, which upon opening Anderson threw to the side to open another gift. As he continued opening gifts, he began to get the hang of it, he even started tearing the wrapping paper towards the end. The gift below we bought for him, I don't know yet if he likes the toy or box more. Every time I see him, he is turning this box over and opening and closing it. At times, he is competing with Pistachio for the box, who has been found sleeping in it numerous times. When he opens the box and finds her inside it, he laughs. This is a sight to see!
Even with an ear ache and a sinus infection, Anderson was all laughs and smiles today. He enjoyed eating the potatoes, ham, and biscuit for lunch, opening and playing with gifts, and being held by his grandparents. He continued his good mood all the way up to bed time. Below he is playing ball with nana Kreps who was playing his new favorite game with him. Recently, I taught him how to throw a ball--he holds the ball in his hands, lifts it over his head, and then sort of drops/throws it. Most times, he throws it to me, but sometimes it ends up going off in another direction. He laughs almost every time he throws it or it is throw to him. He really likes it when you throw the ball into his lap. We might just have a professional baller on our hands....

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