Sunday, February 15, 2009

First Finger Paint

Anderson had his first experience finger painting. When I first put the paint down, he looked at it and then back to me with a very confused face. He seemed to know right away that he wasn't supposed to eat it. He just didn't know what he was supposed to do with it. I put his fingers in it and showed him what to do.
He started to understand and moved his fingers around in the paint. He enjoyed painting for a short while. He liked it best when I would put a new dollop of paint down for him to play in. Once the dollop was moved around he would look at me for more. I have already submitted his work of art to the local art gallery.

Tumble Time

Anderson is all boy and loves to climb on things. He started with the stairs and now is into following onto and climbing on pillows. This past weekend, I threw the couch pillows onto the ground and he climbed on them for almost an hour. He kept walking around them and falling onto them.
He would giggle every time he fell down and would smile really big every time he figured out how to get back up.

As I began to take pictures, he caught onto what was happening. He would look at me, smile really big, and then throw himself onto the pillows. When he got up, he again would look at me and smile. It was as though he was trying to give me the perfect pose.

Three Teeth Later

Anderson FINALLY let me get a picture of his first tooth! It took so long to get the picture, two more teeth popped up. I have been trying to get a picture of his tooth (now teeth) since it first appeared in December. Every time I went to take the picture, he would put his tongue in the way or smile without his mouth open. I was starting to think he was out to make this difficult for me.