It started with a tree and then...

The day after Thanksgiving, we went out to get our tree. We found a nice family owned tree farm and cut down a beautiful tree. That day we put the tree up, with Anderson's help, and decorated the house inside and out. Anderson didn't help put the tree up, but he loved moving the box that held the lights and decorations all over the house.

Before the WHOLE (Josh's mom, step-dad, dad and step-mom, and my mom and step-dad) family came over for Christmas day, we opened presents. One of Anderson's favorites was his new indoor tent. After opening it up and putting it together, he brought all of his toys in and played. He thought it was funny to go in and out of the tent door.

Once the whole family was here, we opened more presents. Anderson is a very loved child! He got a lot of great toys and clothes. He was a very slow present opener. He would tear a piece of paper off the package, roll it up into a ball, find the perfect place to toss it, and then repeat the whole process until the package was unwrapped. He also insisted that we completely open the toy before he would open a new package. It was a long process, but a cute one!

Another favorite toy that Anderson got for Christmas, was a new car. Luckily for Anderson's parents, papa Greg was there to put the car together. What would have taken us years to put together only took Greg a few moments. Thank you Greg! Anderson spent the rest of the night driving his car around the house. I wish I had had a camera the moment Anderson first saw the car built, it was priceless! Pure child joy.
Although Anderson was up way too late (he didn't want the fun to end), we had a wonderful family filled day. It is always fun to have most of the family together, spending it just talking and goofing off.
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Anderson is getting so big and he is so cute! :) I hope you guys have a great 2010! :)
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