The other day we got a bike attachment from my father. It took three adults and about a week to finally figure out how to attach it to the bike, but we eventually did figure it out. Today, after Bubba went to the store to buy a missing bolt Anderson finally got a chance to ride his much anticipated bike. After this video we went for a small ride around the neighborhood and the whole time Anderson sang to us and laughed...too cute! I cannot wait to go for a longer ride. Josh REALLY wants to go after his marathon this weekend. You might want to watch this video without sound because someone's dog (maybe it is Rufus, but we will never tell) is obnoxious in the background.
Anderson, Greyson, and Addison (a friend from works kids) all go to the YMCA for family gym on Sunday. Anderson loves playing with the balls, going down the slide, and mowing the lawn. Here he is going down the slide after he has trouble getting up on the slide. Next week he starts his swim lessons. I will post video soon.
Work just bought every teacher a video camera to use in the classroom and they asked us to take them home over the summer to practice with. This video is from the first night we had it. Anderson was enjoying himself outside in the sun.